Auxiliary files

There are a couple of file formats (incl. generic formats) that OneTwo3DO utilizes. These are either input, output or special files for additional information.
    1. OneTwo3DO Project files (*.3dp)
    2. Vertex Text file (*.vtx)
    3. DXF - Data Exchange Format (*.dxf)
    4. 3DO-Text (*.txt)
    5. ASE - ASCII Scene Export (*.ase)
    6. Texture files - Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)
    7. Texture Mask files - (*_mask.bmp)
    8. MIP conversion information (*.mci)

  1. OneTwo3DO Project files (*.3dp)

    The main purpose of the project files is to hold all relevant object data. Additionally, specific settings of the project are stored, such as the last used zoom, pan and rotate values of the diplay, colors, track path etc.
    Therefor a project is openend exactly as it was last saved, without having to zoom or pan around.

  2. Vertex Text file (*.vtx)

    Vertex Text files are used to load and save X,Y,Z values which sets the position of vertices. File format is regular ASCII.
    These files may also be editied by hand, but must be written in the described format.

    Here's an example:

    ============ Vertex Definition for 3DO ==============
    Following the Keyword "VertexXYZ" are blocks
    of Data X,Y,Z, each block preceeded by a blank line



  3. DXF - Data Exchange Format (*.dxf)

    DXF files are used to load and save data drawn in AutoCAD or similar CAD software.

    Required format is AutoCAD R12 DXF, files in different formats are not loaded.

    When loading a DXF file, only POINT entities are recognized as vertices, all other data in the DXF file (LINE, POLYGON etc.) is discarded.

    When saving a DXF file, only Vertices (= POINT entity in AutoCAD) and Lines (= LINE entity in AutoCAD) are exported.
    Polygons are shown as separate LINES in AutoCAD.

  4. 3DO-Text (*.txt)

    3DO-Text files are used to load and save data exported from Paul Hoads GPL Track Editor.

    As GPL Track Editor only exports Vertices and Polygons, only these two types are loaded.
    This allows to open an existing 3DO file with GPL Track Editor, export the Vertex and Polygon data and re-texture and/or modify geometry with OneTwo3DO.

    Polygons are imported and exported with random color.

  5. ASE - ASCII Scene Export (*.ase)

    ASE files originally are 3D-Studio scene export files.
    A stripped-down version is used by OneTwo3DO to save textured Polygons from a project in order to convert it with Phil Flack's excellent ASE23DO converter.
    This may be done either manually or automatic (a special version of ASE23DO is included in the OneTwo3DO distribution)

    As of now, only textured Polygons can be used by ASE23DO, so the exported ASE files does contain only these objects.

    ASE files exported from OneTwo3DO are crippled and can NOT be used with 3D-Studio or similar programs !

  6. Texture files - Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)

    Bitmap files are used to load textures into a project for mapping onto a polygon.
    Bitmaps may be converted from an existing MIP file or made from scratch.

    It turned out to be quite useful to keep all bitmaps in a central location. Therefor, a path to an archive/repository can be set in [Options] dialog. This is then set as a default folder when opening bitmaps.

    Width and Height of the chosen bitmap file must be one of 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256. All other dimensions are not loaded.

  7. Texture Mask files - (*_mask.bmp)

    Texture Mask files are used to load and save texture masks into a project for transparent mapping onto a polygon.
    Texture Mask files are converted and saved automatically from a loaded Bitmap Texture file when the texture file is set to transparency.
    They are then internally used to display the transparency.
    The Texture Mask files can be used as the mask when converting a Texture file to transparent MIP (using MipMan).

  8. MIP conversion information - (*.mci)

    MCI files hold information about the used bitmaps in the project. This information can later be used to automatically create MIP files using an external application.

    MCI files can be automatically created and written into the specific project folder. This requires that the Option "Create individual subfolders for projects" and following are enabled.

    Here's an example:

    ; Conversion Info for BMP > MIP
    ; Filename: Path to Bitmap
    ; Transparent: 0= No, 1= Yes
    ; MaskFilename: Path to Mask Bitmap
    ; Repeat Texture: 0= No, 1= Horizontal, 2= Vertical, 3= Both

    The MCI file format is not finalized and may be changed later, according to specific needs for automatic conversion if necessary (Klaus and Phil, are you listening ?? ;-).